All is well!
I just wanted to give you a litte update on where we are on the farm. We have been battling a few years of drought but with God's help we have made it through! He has given us great farming partners that have sold us hay and we added an irrigation pivot for some ability to plan future forage a little more predictably.
The cows are doing well. We upgraded with some new registered angus bulls from Reverse Rocking R Ranch in Maxwell, NM with greath growth and marbling and the calves are gorgeous!
We usually have two brandings a year in Spring and Early Fall where we brand, tag, and vaccinate the calves being weaned.
We sell calves at the Lone Star Stockyards in Wildorado, TX twice a year and we hold back about 5 every year to butcher at Ede's Meats in Amarillo, TX, a small USDA inspected processor that really takes pride in what they do.
We offer excellent lean, grass fed ground beef, roasts, stew meat, brisket, and some steak throughout the year. Give me a call and see what I have on hand. 575-799-9500.
We rotate the cattle through fields of green wheat in the late Fall and winter, oats and haygrazer in the Spring and gramma grasses in the Summer and Early Fall.
We also have a herd of Dorper sheep for landscaping and lots of chickens running around cutting down the fly (insect) population and giving us delicious farm fresh eggs. We also have 5 guard guineas who warn us of intruders. Its a good life.